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Ani O'Brien

Ani comes from a digital marketing background and most recently spent nearly a year working in Parliament for the Leader of the Opposition as Director of Digital. She has been heavily involved in women's rights advocacy and is a founding council member of the Free Speech Union.

nz politics

Time to end decades of continuity

Ani O'Brien: New Zealand needs something radically different. New ideas and fresh thinking. Not John Key 2.0.

May 8th, 2022

Is the woke reign of terror coming to an end?

Ani O'Brien on Musk's acquisition of Twitter, Ron De Santis vs Disney, British Health Secretary Sajid Javid on gender treatments for children, and how all of this effects New Zealand.

April 26th, 2022

Manifesting the racial divide

Ani O'Brien: White identity is being manifested by those who most decry it.

April 6th, 2022

Make Hollywood just stop, please

Ani O'Brien: These people are paid insane amounts to play dress up & pretend. Many of them have spent more time in rehab than they did at high school & they've the audacity to lecture us about life.

March 29th, 2022

Don't tell mum and dad: an example from a NZ school

Ani O'Brien shares an example of a NZ school encouraging students to keep secrets from their parents.

March 22nd, 2022

InsideOUT coach schools how to avoid disclosing rainbow policies

Ani O'Brien: why is rainbow lobby group InsideOUT trying so hard to prevent information about their involvement in schools becoming public?

March 18th, 2022

IWD: I'm angry at other women

Ani O'Brien: International Women’s Day has become a farcical parade of corporate pink-washing overlaid by a nepotistic circle-jerk of privileged & influential liberal women giving each other awards

March 8th, 2022

Does The West have the stomach to stop Putin?

Ani O'Brien: The West has self-sabotaged. It has over-indulged & become fat and complacent. It has forgotten the lessons learnt by generations before & systematically poisoned itself with self-hatred.

February 25th, 2022
nz politics

Contempt from the Parliamentary balcony

One does not need to share the views of the protestors to see and condemn the at times dehumanising rhetoric and tactics of Trevor Mallard.

February 14th, 2022
nz politics

Convoy to the Capital

Regardless of if you agree that Ardern’s Government has been oppressive and that mandates should be removed, we should all respect their right to express their opposition.

February 8th, 2022