Do Crown Owned Entities need the Rainbow Tick?
The Platform’s correspondence with Airways New Zealand over drag queen Rainbow Tick announcement.

Woke Surgeons Only Need Apply
If you needed oral cancer surgery, is it a bonus if the person operating on your mouth has had experience in projects and initiatives which give effect to Te Tiriti principles?

Hipkins treads a slippery path on democracy
Like Te Pāti Māori, Labour is no fan of equal representation for all.

Why New Zealand Must Reject 'Hate Crime' Laws
If we accept the premise that criminal penalties should be heightened based on subjective interpretations of motive, then it is only a matter of time before speech itself becomes regulated under the same logic.

Decades of misbehaviour since the Tribunal was established in 1975 where a series of leaders have allowed the organisation to become a state-funded plaything for Maori radicals will hopefully come to an end.

NZ Herald struggles with how to gain readers’ trust
Manurewa Marae ‘scoop’ falls between clickbait and journalism.

The fraught business of Being Chlöe
Mystery surrounds taxpayer-funded doco on Greens co-leader.

Street talker
Street epistemology is all about asking questions so it’s appropriate that Boghossian should ask what topics to raise in Auckland. The obvious answer, in my opinion, is anything to do with Maori sovereignty and equal rights.

The Maori Party should drop their crusade to try to push ahead of other New Zealanders, using blood as their only claim to superiority. The Treaty didn’t give Maori any special right to lord it over non-Maori.

The Spinoff’s $10m taxpayer haul
NZ On Air’s records show 52 grants dating back to 2016.